
Golf Club Grip Techniques: How to Hold Like a Pro

Key Takeaways

  • The golf grip is the only connection you have with your club, so it’s crucial to get it right.
  • There are three basic types of golf grips: overlapping, interlocking, and 10-finger grips.
  • Experiment with different grips to find what works best for you.
  • Check your grip often to ensure consistency and improve your swing.

How to Grip a Golf Club: Master Proper Holding Techniques

strong golf grip will improve game

Having a proper and consistent golf grip is one of the most critical fundamentals for improving swing mechanics and shooting lower scores. The grip is your only connection point with the golf club, so learning correct holding techniques gives you the control and feel needed to strike powerful and accurate shots. This article will provide an in-depth look at essential golf grip fundamentals, explore the pros and cons of popular grip styles like overlapping and interlocking, and give you tips for finding the right grip for your game.

The Importance of a Strong Golf Grip

The grip influences every aspect of the golf swing, so consistently using proper hand placement and holding techniques is vital. Benefits of a strong golf grip include:

  • Promotes clubface control through impact for solid ball-striking.
  • Provides stability to resist twisting and manipulation during the swing.
  • Allows maximum power transfer from body turn through the hands and club.
  • Enables consistent shot patterns by maintaining proper clubface alignment.
  • Transmits vital tactile feedback about swing mechanics and ball impact.

By honing an effective grip specific to your hand size and swing style, you gain serious control over ball flight and shot shaping.

Setting Up a Fundamental Golf Grip

Before applying a specific grip style, begin with these basics:

  • Start with the club held naturally at your side, relaxing arms and grip.
  • Place lead hand (left for right) on the grip with the palm rotated slightly inward.
  • As you hinge the club up, ensure wrist hinge keeps the clubface square.
  • Grip the club in the fingers rather than the palms for optimal feel and control.
  • Cradle lead hand thumb with trail hand (right for righty) for stability.

Now you’re ready to utilize either an overlapping, interlocking or 10-finger grip.

Overlapping Golf Grip Technique

The overlapping or “Vardon” grip is a classic technique used by many top pros. To use it:

  • Place lead hand on grip with thumb on top and fingers wrapping around.
  • Rest the heel pad of trail hand on top of lead hand thumb.
  • Allow trail hand pinky to overlap lead hand index and middle finger.
  • Create a secure connection by interlocking the overlapped fingers.

This promotes proper hand rotation and clubface control through impact but may feel foreign at first.

Interlocking Golf Grip Technique

The interlocking grip connects the hands via carefully intertwining the fingers together:

  • Again, lead hand thumb atop the grip, fingers wrapped around.
  • Interlock trail hand pinky between lead hand index and middle finger.
  • Wrap both hands around the grip with thumbs pointing down the shaft.
  • Allow connected fingers to naturally support each other.

This grip style minimizes grip pressure while still allowing free arm rotation.

10-Finger or Baseball Golf Grip

The 10-finger grip requires both hands to make full contact with the grip:

  • Place lead hand on grip normally.
  • Rest the entire trail hand on top of the grip alongside the lead hand.
  • All 10 fingers should contact and wrap around the grip.
  • Mimics holding a baseball bat.

While promoting grip security, some golfers feel this style reduces wrist action.

Test different grips to find the right one for your game, but stay consistent. Regularly check hand placement, pressure and clubface alignment. A repeating, confident grip is key for better golf!

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